Hello NPU-R Atlanta Members, the Executive Committee wishes, your holidays and summer vacations to be enjoyable and restful!
Plan to meet us at the August 4th, Zoom Meeting at 7 PM sharp, see you then!
Look for us in the community at the Cascade Indy Festival on Saturday, July 16th from 11 AM to 5 PM and Yoga in Adams Park on Sunday, July 31st from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM. NPUR Atlanta committees need your support, ideas, skills, and participation, reach out to:
Sheryl Brown, Secretary for Community Engagement Committee at sbrown.npur@gmail.com, the committee meets every 3rd Thursday from 7-8 PM, reach out for an invite to meet.
Rita Harden for Education Committee at ritaharden73@gmail.com
Ray Jones Sargeant At Arms. for Economic Committee at saa.npur.org, the committee meets every 2nd Monday from 6-7 PM, reach out for an invite to meet.
Darryl Terry Parlimentarian, for By-Laws Ad Hoc Committee at 678.790.3737
Donovan Dodds Chair, for Land Use and Heirs Committees at npur.exc@gmail.com.
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